Post these rules on your blog.
Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog.List: 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current obsessions/collections, 3 Random/surprising facts.Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3 Joys:
1. Nieces and Nephews
2. Friends and Family
3. That I love my career and will always be able to take care of myself.
3 Fears:
1. Clowns and circuses of any kind
2. Chuckie dolls
3. Getting married/having a baby before I'm ready
3 Goals:
1. To do everything I've ever wanted to do with my career and never give up on it again
2. Travel to all the places that I want to go
3. Always be optimistic and happy and live my life as much as I can
3 Current obsessions/collections:
1. Learning new things that I am excited about
2. Cleaning out all my junk from the past years and finding old things to make me smile
3. Growing out my leg hairs and getting them waxed - it is pure bliss
3 Random surprising facts:
1. I cannot get mad. I try to yell and stay angry and bugged, but I can't. It just makes me laugh when I think about being mad. I have this disease that makes me get over things way too fast.
2. I absolutely HATE haunted houses and scary movies - but I still go to them because I LOVE the adrenaline rush it gives me.
3. Probably 85% of the time that I'm driving, I'm off in my own world thinking of something and when I get to where I'm going, I barely remember driving at all.. (is that bad?)
I will now tag the following: Erin, Jessica, Cami, Jean, Taylor
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
All About Ali
Posted by aLiCe at 7:50 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
I love my friends. And I love when we get to hang out. Tiana just got home from her mission 2 weeks ago and just moved here to provo. Jessi was in town with her family on the same weekend so we got to go dinner together.We were almost all present on Saturday- everyone except Mary and Carrie. Miss you girls :(

Jessi's hubby Eric came too. We love Erica.
Posted by aLiCe at 10:21 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Back To The Future

I look so white and pasty next to Taylor.

They were trying to be as cool as us, but.. it wasn't really working for them. Sorry guys.
Posted by aLiCe at 10:17 PM 4 comments
Posted by aLiCe at 10:12 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Do Blondes Have More Fun?
I think they do! When I went back to Dallas for a quick little visit, Jared made me a blondie and I absolutely love it! My hair is finally growing from my butch accident and just getting cute again!

Caitlyn just cut my bangs like this and I'm starting to love them. I'm never a straight down gal, but I think I might be turning..
Posted by aLiCe at 6:41 PM 3 comments