Me and my girls, Caitlyn and Mary Kate, went to Park City this past weekend to hang out and celebrate my birthday! We got a hotel and drove up Friday night.

At Main Street Pizza and Noodle. Next time you all are in PC, go there. It's delicous! The pizza especially.

This is me getting ready for our night out.. I decided I wanted to try something new and exciting with my already short hair, so we tried to curl it.. didn't so much turn out.. see below..

Basically when we started I looked like Farrah Fawcett, which then turned into Betty Boop, which then after some pommade, like I was on drugs and stuck my finger in the outlet.. not so cute!

We went to HarryO's, Park City's most prestigious nightclub.. HA! It happened to be Rock and Soul night, a benefit for the Childrens Justice Center or something, so we listened first to the Soul Survivors..what a treat. Then afterwards, had a U2 concert with a Bono impersonator. He was pretty good, but not your normal club music. Oh, and the guy is some dude we met named Matt who was there by himself so we let him hang out with us.

Just us at the club!

We got woken up at 6 AM the next morning by the alarm clock in our adjoining room. Apparently, the people got up for an early jog, or something, and forgot to turn off their alarm clock. So after almost an hour and 3 calls to the front desk, we finally got it turned off! It was awful.

Saturday, after we checked out and complained to the manager about the alarm clock and how long it took to get it turned off, we headed to the outlet mall. I love that place! Cat and I are showing off our $4 sunglasses.. what a steal! We had a lot of fun. I love my friends!
HURRAY you have a blog now...I didn't now that! We can be blog buddies now! Looks like you guys had a great time! Love ya and miss ya!
Hilarious that it wasn't even close to an hour! You exaggerater!
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