Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the update

I've totally been neglecting my blog. Its just that I have been stealing internet for so long so it was faulty and uploading pictures on a faulty connection is not fun. But now I have my own internet that actually works. So for everyone who cares, I will now be telling you about my life.

Firstly, I have discovered a love for dead trees in the winter. I don't know why and don't think I ever will know why, but I think they are pretty. This is a picure I took while driving.

don't make fun of me

Secondly -My friends and I went to visit our friend Maren's grave. She passed away this summer from diabetes. We went to visit her for her birthday, took her some flowers and ate some cinnamon rolls in her honor. Next time we go, we will take some suger cubes.
It was freezing.. if you can't tell.

Happy 22nd Birthday my Friend!

Ali + Andrew = love
* don't mind the date on the bottom of the pictures.. I don't know how it got changed.


cat+tadd=sam said...

SOOOONIIIIC! Come get yer sonic!!!!!!