First official road trip of 2010 (besides moving). Went to Island Park, Idaho. Magical. Only took 7 hours to get there instead of the normal 4. Why? Well, we HAD to stop in Malad, ID. If you've never been there, I suggest going. It's simply enchanting. And if you like grease, Malad Diner.
Melissa, me, Angela.

The cabin was amazing. Hot tubbing with Diet Coke (or Coke Zero) is the only way to do it. Also fake tattoo's that came from Malad. See? I told you it was a magical place.
And what's a car ride without gossip? Playing catch up in the back seat. Best part of the whole mag? Crossword in the back.

The Pier of Island Park. For some reason we spent almost an hour on this beloved structure.
We went on a couple bear hunts. Sadly, we never found a bear. Beethoven we did find. He smelled like a skunk, slobbered all over my pants and wouldn't catch my snowball. We got rid of him.